At Cozzmic, we offer a range of VoIP phone systems for your business. With custom interfaces to suit your needs, we serve companies of all sizes. No matter how big or small your team is, we can set up a phone and extension for each member.

Let Cozzmic Do the Work for You

Our VoIP phone systems give you the ability to manage your phones in-house or have Cozzmic maintain them for you so that you can focus on what matters most in your day-to-day. Changes can be made quickly on our end as needed, and typically just require an email or phone call for your convenience.

In-House Management Capabilities

If you prefer to manage your system independently, we provide full training and will customize your interface to add or get rid of options that are not important to you. An online portal lets you make changes from any device with a browser, so that you can keep your phones running smoothly, even while on the go.

Customized Options to Meet Your Needs

Our IP phones typically have a set of buttons below the main screen that can be programmed to only show the functions that make sense for your business. For example, you will only see the “transfer” button while on a call. These buttons can be programmed to do any function that you perform frequently, saving you valuable time.

On the Go Doesn’t Have to Mean Missed Messages

One of the features our clients find most convenient is the ability to receive an audio file of voice messages, right to your email. That means with Cozzmic, you will never miss an important call while out of the office again!

Cozzmic phone systems save you time, give you the ability to do your job more effectively, and provide a higher level of efficiency to your business…saving you money! Let Cozzmic manage your phone system so you can get back to what matters most to you and your company because at Cozzmic, we care.